Monday, December 22, 2008

Romper la cadena

No rain for a week, and 11' C .....fabulous!

Today's ride sort of went like this:

It's too hot

Paul breaks his chain

It's freezing standing around

We get going and it's too hot.

Paul breaks his chain

We freeze

We over heat

Paul breaks his chain

We freeze

Other than that it was a good ride, just the right side of slippery! we put in a few good climbs and some nice singletrack.

Jane was very strong, Paul was strong and I was ok in the technical stuff :)

Monday, December 08, 2008

winter mtb rides

It's soooo cold at the moment, but so beautiful. We've had a couple of days of high pressure and blue skies.

Paul was racing at Thetford and JD is either working or in America (she seems to oscillate between these two states at the moment) So me and Jane went for a steady ride around the downs. We didn't encounter much mud, as lots the ground was frozen. Neither of us had much going on in the legs, we had ridden to Gatwick and back yesterday for a biochemistry lecture - which I did enjoy. Except that because there's no
God in science anymore, quantum mechanics is the new explanation for everything. ie

" How can that happen?
" It's entanglement"
"What's entanglement?"
"Well you take a cat, a box and electron at this end of the universe and one at the other end." " ok and..."
" Well no one really knows, it's best not too question it too deeply you just have to believe it"
" Ok, so it's a belief system? er ...... " :-)

Anyway our legs were at the other end of the universe, so we plodded through the beautiful crispy day. We managed three and a half hours with one stop at Peaslake. Where Greg and Lisa were hosting a Moosecycles test ride day. MOOSECYCLES

It was lovely to see them and they gave us cake... hurrah!