Sunday, October 30, 2005

Thetford Enduro round one

A beautiful sunny day in thetford:
Mark comes to kick ass.
Jane: 2nd ladies 4 hour. Paul: 14th male 4hour. Raymond: 4th male plus 4 hour. Mark: 6th male plus 4 hour.

Results here:

Some photos here:

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Olympia ski show

Tyler, the english big air snowboard champion, gets to meet Raymond. Unfortunately, Tyler couldn't wear the glasses; he has a sponsorship deal with Oakley. So Raymond had to wear them himself.(Oakley; take note, these are the glasses to be seen in, check out the dudes below;)

Tyler will be doing his stuff in Trafalgar Square on the 20th of November.

Photos from the show:olympia

Sunday, October 02, 2005

The Colorblind James Experience

today the fabulous James came to ride the North Downs.

James hadn't been riding a lot lately and got his butt kicked all over the north downs.