Sunday, October 30, 2005

Thetford Enduro round one

A beautiful sunny day in thetford:
Mark comes to kick ass.
Jane: 2nd ladies 4 hour. Paul: 14th male 4hour. Raymond: 4th male plus 4 hour. Mark: 6th male plus 4 hour.

Results here:

Some photos here:


Anonymous said...

mmm...I wonder, did markyboy actually a*sekicking?

I heard that Janeygirl let him through on the singletrack because she felt "a bit sorry for him, because he was sobbing"


Anonymous said...

I have such a sore a*se! either it was the combination of the rough course and new saddle, or Mark must have kicked it after all:-)

Good job I don't have a desk job, as sitting is not an option!

Anonymous said...

Blimey - I have lowered my saddle and my spinning legs are back! plus I'm not bobbing around as much, who would have thought less than 5mm would make that much difference.

With my set-up tweaked I should be back up to speed for the next round - hurrah:-)

Bring it on!!

Anonymous said...

Does this mean you're looking to kick some markyboy ass in the next round, janeygirl?
