Sunday, February 26, 2006

South Western Annual Trophy Presentation

Jane wins another trophy for the shelf in Dorking. She was presented with the Sam's Tankard award, a crystal glass for mountain biking achievements.

Raymond was awarded a Barbie Doll bidon for endurance mincing.


Anonymous said...

Where were the infamous glasses? Surely they paid their part in the endurance mincing!

Anonymous said...

Plaid their part? Played they're part?

Anonymous said...

I think their pertly plaid they're prat two.

Anonymous said...

Surely I should have received a prize for arse kicking ?!!!!!

Oh yeah, well done etc;-)


Anonymous said...

AKM, does this mean you're going to join the South Western?

Anonymous said...

No Parkaboy. Why would a hard northern b******d like me want to join that bunch of soft southern tarts?