LCO is in the Trans Schwarzwald as a pit babe.
She is taking on the duties of looking after the team.
These duties include:
Cheering us on.
Massage before and after each stage.
Cleaning the bikes daily.
Washing race clothes(includes chamois scrubbing).
making breakfast
making tea.
Making drinks bottles/energy drinks up.
and anything else that crops up.
Whilst at the same time looking for a schoener mann
She will also be chief photographer, and will learn to yell "Hup, hup, hup!" at every opportunity. An ability to clap in unison is an advantage as is the art of swinging a tankard with gusto. These may be practised at the weekend?
We may have to get some SundayRiders T-shirts made for her.
There should be an umlaut on the schoner. I haven't yet discovered how to do one on a uk keyboard. Any clues as to how?
I can get the accent in ramón by holding down ctrl and alt, then press the 'o' key.
Just looked it up and it's ok to use an 'e' after the 'o' to denote an umlaut 'o'
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