Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Getting ready for the Trans Schwarzwald

This weekend LCO visited from the Wales and along with Ramon y Juanita did some interval training on the south face of Box Hill, culminating in a sprint for the Little Chef in Dorking for tea and toast...hurrah!

Sunday after mucho mas nagging by the LCO they went to view some tents. Somehow the five tents that the Sundayriders already possess didn't quite fit the bill. But....on the way to the tent shop she decided we had to go and see the aeroplanes at Gatwick! So, after spending half an hour standing under the flightpath and clapping as planes flew 50 metres overhead, the Sundayriders chose a lovely blue tent for the Trans Schwarzwald.


Anonymous said... didn't mention the vacationed rabbit!

Anonymous said...

No wonder you're a little camp with so many tents.

Anonymous said...

I'm not camp.............I'm a nancy boy!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that Ullrich has retired!:(
Lets hope that he does some "fun" cycling in the German Black Mountains this Summer.....Perhaps he could partner Paul, should Jim be unable to make it? (Sorry, Mark)

Anonymous said...

I've heard that Julie and KB are in. Knowing the Mighty D's attrition rate on her racing partners we might well have to have Jan in reserve.