Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Tuesday over the hill gang ride

F***!! I'd forgotten how hard those old b******ds go :-)

Today's ride was out to Heaven Farm in Dane Hill, so it was going to be lumpy!

The first 20k's are relatively flat and are taken quite easy, my legs are a bit dead from the weekend's riding on the slight rises. I'm ok, but I'm not going to initiate anything, if it stays together that's ok by me:)

At the first hill near Tulley's Farm Cliff and Andy kick off, so I follow trying not to go too deep. I gradually pull up to them spinning a lowish gear, towing most of the others with me. We regroup on the short descent and Cliff and Andy immediately kick again, this will be the selection for the fast group to the tea stop. So, I jump out of the saddle, I don't want to take anyone else with me. I start to close the gap.But just before the crest of the hill I hear a clunk, I check my back pockets because it sounds like I've dropped something. Everything's there, so I get on with chasing which suddenly seems very hard and I just get on as they start the descent. Cliff digs a bit on the descent and I can't close the gap, I'm pedalling as hard as I can and getting nowhere. Andy sees that I'm in difficulty jumps past me. I get his wheel, but he rides away. As we hit the next rise, they're 50 metres ahead and I'm going down the gears, my legs are screaming and my heart rate maxed. Then, one by one riders start coming past. I struggle to the top, glad to see some have stopped for a regroup, I roll past on the slight down, bent over the bars trying to breathe. But the bike isn't rolling down the slope, it's slowing down! wtf! looking down I can see that the back wheel is pressed against the brake pad.

On inspection, I've snapped a spoke and the wheel's like a taco, even with the brake quick release open it's still touching the rim! At the tea stop Kaye straightens the wheel as much as she dares, which is great as it no longer touches the pads with the release open.

The ride back is a lot easier :) and I get on the front a few times. Phew, at one when the brake was rubbing I thought my cycling days were over:-)


stratobiker said...

Ah, a nice friendly ride to the cafe with your mates eh? I love those sort of rides. Racing would be easier! :)

hagblog said...

Yes, the Tuesday 'Worlds' :)

Great fun!