Sunday, November 09, 2008

thetford round one

Paul's report:

The weather forecast said 6°C with 29mph SW winds. It was at least 8°C if not 10°.
A bit chilly perhaps but not cold.
I had unfortunately put two layers on regardless, so hot but not, not sweaty. Their were salt marks on my arm warmers when I finished.
This wasn't helped by the fact that the wind was 29mph at least. I even felt it in the trees at times. There were a couple of descents I pedalled down in a smaller gear than I know I've ridden up in the past. And one ascent into the wind just became speed sapping rather than a hammer grind. But as it was a southerly wind I think that's why it wasn't so cold.

The course was very good, I wasn't. Lapped on the fifth lap. I only just got through in time for a seventh lap too (five minutes to spare - they let one guy through with a second to go though) so could have been two laps down on the leaders.
Mainly dry with lots of singletrack. This was good but for the 'two hour' boys behind us bad I imagine.
They usually set off 15 minutes after the 'four hours' which gives a good time for everyone to spread out.
Today though we had two minutes silence for remembrance then a memorial poem was read out. Then the 'four hour' ladies went, then with a two minute gap we went and the 'two hour' lot left 5 minutes after us. This meant they were on us about half way through lap two having passed those behind while we were still in bunches - hard work and annoying
I had one off incident. Whilst riding in a chain of about six of us, I was in about fourth following hard when I guess we caught up with a slower rider with nowhere to pass and all came to a very sudden stop. The only place I could see to avoid the rider in front was the floor so I chose that option. Soft without roots I'm not sure I didn't just bounce back up again and carry on. In fact I'm not actually sure I hit the floor, feasibly I somehow stuck my foot out and kicked myself upright again from a very acute angle.

I faded from what was only a reasonable speed anyway during lap five and just kept hanging on for lap six, but about two miles into the final lap I saw two guys ahead I knew were on the same lap as we'd yoyoed earlier and was sure one was a veteran.
Having just had a gel, some Clif Bloks and some energy drink I chased, caught and passed them then kept going hard to the end because one of them gave chase - the bugger. He finished less than 100m behind me.

Another great day and though there is a semblance of mud on my bike, it's not too much.
With race numbers going up to 935 I am no. 3 for the series. Lets hope I'm top ten at least then.

Results: timelaps 10th excellent, well done.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's much easier swinging on a tree than cycling is'nt Jane?Can you remember the last time you did that?