Friday, May 07, 2010

rally di Romagna

Bad time at the race for me- got lost on the 2nd day, lost on the 3rd day and tendinitis on the 4th... doh! I will write up what I have when I return, but for now I'm bit fed up.

Paul is still going strong, The mighty Dinsdale is getting stronger every day and Bk is hanging on in there :)

We have met up with the Reevax guys, Croki and Pepe from Belgium website. These guys are even funnier in the flesh than on their website :) Pepe is leading the masters at the moment and according to Reevax tradition, he has to buy ice cream if he gets a podium. As we are his new friends we will insist on our treat :) Go go Pepe !!!

The awfully nice Lorenza Menapace website has had to pull out with a broken scapula, she is 24 hour racing later this month.

Sandra klomp is winning the ladies by a long way now. Sandra has won the ironbike 7 times.

Dirk and Telse are enjoying the race more and more now.

It's a very friendly race.


Tia Beryl said...

Well Raymond it just proves that
you get youself lost without

Tia Beryl said...

Well Raymond it just proves that
you get yourslef lost without

Anonymous said...

Hang on in there...Greg !!!!!!