Monday, June 26, 2006

Glorious Sunshine!

Back to the days of yore at the SSMM this year.The long hot days of the SSMM in Birmingham returned for the weekend in Ledbury. Lots of fast and furious racing on a shorter course,rideable by all.


Demonico:Put in a blistering fastest lap,but paid for it later.ooHe also suffered two punctures and mugged a fellow rider in the woods for a spare tube!

The Mighty Dinsdale: Now charging an appearance fee since taking 5th overall in the Trans Portugal,rode strongly throughout.And provided excellent chocolate cake.

Paulo Facero:Forked about on his last two laps as his forked gradually disintegrated.

Marky marco:Decided not to lurk and shook the Fatman's hand,and will hopefully write something from a rooky's point of view for here.Pictured above after a hard last lap..

Ramon:Best outfit of the weekend.

Pit babes,videography,photography......etc
Lil'cute one,Janey and Laney

Some pics here: ssmm

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous weekend, I almost wished I was riding too! but it was enough to video everyone's beaming faces, eat all their chocolate cake whilst they were out and, of course, sleep all night.
well done Team Skid Marks and particularly to AK'M who, as my ringer, did me proud by squeezing in an extra lap instead of lurking - star!