Saturday, March 31, 2012

Saturday ride

3 weeks early for the Pulborough ride because Easter is early. Colder today 12' with a strong north easterly. A good tough steady 130km.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sunday riders

After yesterday's super tough hill ride,today we went for a spin on the mtbs except kb who rode a x bike. Greg snapped his chain on telegraph. Paul and Jane rode well and we bumped into Jaycee and Gal.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tuesday mtb

Roger has been recovering from a recent operation and hasn't done a great deal off road. Today we did a steady ride along with Ray one of the Muddymoles regulars. Ray was also in a recovery, but from a chest infection. The sun was shining and the trails were dry and fast.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sunday road ride

Today was a nice steady ride to Four Elms in the sunshine. Jane took a few QOM's on the way. As she begins to get fit, she's mopping up a few :) I had one KOM today until Jane took it off me :( it was a day of headwinds, no matter which way we rode it was in our face.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


No othg yesterday, my Spanish lesson was changed. So today I rode the Epsom loop to wake up my body to a bit of suffering :). Every year I forget what pushing hard is like. There was quite a bit of traffic( I had to stop and wait for a huuge group of friendly hikers, at least thirty in a long snaking crocodile on the longest single track. Just before that there was a group of around fifteen runners on the fast track from Headley. And I had a chain suck on the first climb. But it was a good ride and I was less than two minutes off my June time for last year.

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

anyone can dance

Tuesday othg

The cold weather had returned today. I'm getting the hang of the frankenbike bike now and quite enjoying it. Camellia Botnar was today's destination and we met Brian Holm there.

Sunday, March 04, 2012

Sunday mtb

The drought is over! After waking to pouring rain and cancelling today's ride with Paul, I thought I might do some turbo. Jane woke an hour later and said it's easing lets go. After two and a half hours of driving rain, huge puddles and splashy mud, I'm guessing she was being a little optimistic :) Good ride though :)