Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tuesday othg ride

Today was to be the Barnes Green ride, but we decided on Pulborough bird sanctuary. Simon was out today,he's very strong. Much stronger than Andy!!! So it was a hard ride :)

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Saturday and Sunday ride

Today was a steady sundayriders ride with Paul. Around 44km off road.

Yesterday I went with the club to Worthing, a nice ride to the seaside. The first time I've done over a hundred miles( 170km ) for a long time :)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wednesday - ride

Me and Paul did a couple of hours attempting to string together some of the trails we did with Vik and the others on Sunday. We found a new way to Westcott :)

tuesday ride - othg

The destination was to have been Westerham, but on the way we headed to Four Elms.

We averaged 32kmh on the way out, with Andy and Eric on the front we were hovering around 50kph on the flats.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sundayriders by Vik

Today I joined vik and his friends for an mtb ride. There was me, Paul,vik,Mark,Linden,orla and Cory.

The Format was very much old style sundayrider rides where we would ride to certain places to ride scary bits, but keep up the pace in between. It was a great ride and i was shown some new and some new ways of joining known trails :)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Saturday swrc ride

Jane's away again, so I headed over to Cobham to meet up with the B plusses. We set out for Southwater, but no one was quite sure of the way. We ended up going over White Down and through Holmbury and an odd way to Warnham. It was a fairly until we hit Bonfire Hill, where a Bob and Jack attacked. I went around them to and pushed hard, at the top I was out of sight!! I didn't think I was going that well!

The return journey was through Horsham! I haven't ridden in traffic for a long time, it horrible trying to ride a group through very busy traffic. I think because I don't drive in this country, I'm not used to it. On the Tuesday rides we do anything to avoid town centres. We dropped into Broadbridge Heath from the north somehow. And then it was the usual way back via the Warnham station underpass and up over the hills to Rusper. We did the usual line out across to Newdigate, I jumped on the first little rise to shake off any of the sprinters ie Jack and Paul :) me, Bob and a couple of the younger guys got a gap. Me and Bob worked it, the other two couldn't come through. I came through just before the sign and Bob sat up to slow the other two and I jumped again for the sign :) Thanks Bob :)

My fitness is crawling back to me. Admittedly there was no Andy or Cliff today, but I know I would have been third if there had :)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

wednesday mtb ride

paul, julie and greg turned up today!!! hurrah!

We did a gentle ride around epsom, Paul had a new bike, julie was very strong and greg kept a lookout at the rear :)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tuesday ride - othg

today was meant to be the trip to Dane Hill, but because of the rain we headed to a new place in Kirdford that someone had heard of. When we got there it was more of a village shop that does coffee. So, no one was particularly happy.

It was a tough ride, no real hills but lots of long drags and lining out on the flats.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Sundayriders Sunday ride

Today was a short one again. We were going to visit Greg in Wimbledon and had to back for the train. We rode the small circuit with Stan's hill, we always hit this hill as hard as we can. Today we went under 5 mins! 4'56" Suddenly, I'm able to get the pedals around and get higher heart rates again.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


After a week of riding in Ibiza I returned to find that the spell of fine weather in the uk had broken. Tuesday was my first wet ride for an age. I was shivering with the cold and wet after the tea stop for a few minutes before the first climb warmed me up. It's been so warm this year that I'd forgotten what it was like to be cold. It always surprises me :)

Today me and Jane did a short sharp set of hills for an hour and a bit.