Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Marin Winter Series at Thetford

The dates for the winter series are now confirmed.

Who's up for it this year?

I am building up a superlight race bike for this one....with flat bars and V brakes

website: here


Anonymous said...

I notice that Faler, Faker, Facer has signed up. What about you and Juanita? Are you going to be there?
I am undecided. My fitness seems to have gone on holiday and taken my suitcase of courage with it. It hasn't even sent me a postcard to say when it will be coming home. However, I have a vague plan that I could just pootle around for the first one, just to be eligible for a series placing, in the hope that my fitness comes home to visit at Christmas.

Anonymous said...

There are a couple of trailbreak rides that weekend. I may do the Saturday one and then Thetford, or both trailbreaks. It would be a shame not to do Thetford because I've put my new bike together for it.