Friday, May 01, 2009

Sundayriders Friday Ride by Jane

The weather is fantastic and Julie has  a rare day off so she's joined Paul and I on our regular Friday ride. The countryside is heavy with blooms and foliage and we roll out through fluorescent fields of yellow rape and take in the climb of Clag to wade through acres of bluebells. Despite the fabulously dry weather we manage to find some muddy rutted tracks to descend to the woodyard, then climb back to the North Downs Way and head for Newlands. A fast descent down water lane follows and we take in the long drag up Pond's lane - remarkably dry - through the Silent Wood and follow the gnarly track up to Jelley's Hollow. After descending into Peaslake we climb through Hurtwood, blast down telegraph and head back over Paddington Farm. A classic SundayRiders Friday ride! and the best day of the year so far:) Paul was back on his old bike as, having done two whole rides, he's already worn his new baby's race tyres down to the carcass and wants to save the remaining noblets to race the second round of the National Points Series next weekend in Dalby.  Julie was on fine form and will soon have the miles in her legs ready for the upcoming Ibiza Xtreme, she has threatened to come out both Friday and Sunday next week too.......................the Mighty Dinsdale is back!!!



stratobiker said...

Sounds great, but where was the scabby shinned one on this ride?

SB :)

juanita said...

He's been banished to work!
He's not allowed back on the trails until he can stay on the bike:)

Tia Beryl said...

Jane I think you should get Raymond some 'shin pads. I used to have some when I played hockey!!!