Sunday, May 13, 2007


Today ramon and janey marshalled for the swrc randonee at the halfway mark in Bury nr. Amberley.
It was a surprisingly good turn out, with lots of punctures and crashes on the descent of Coomb Botty.

It rained quite a bit, but it was a good steady 117km round trip for the Sundayriders.

Jane models her Parisian emergency poncho.


Anonymous said...

What a vision in yellow!

Anonymous said...

Qui, le 'maillot jaune' suits me, n'est pas?

Anonymous said...

like a giant marshal mellow

Anonymous said...

Por que no habais espano?

Anonymous said...

Juanita looks lovely in 'yallow' as Granny Lewis used to say. She can take up 'poncho modelling' when she gives up cycling!!! Ramon can be her Agento!!!