Wednesday, June 29, 2011

tuesday ride - othg

The Llama Farm

Today I met with the 'over the hill gang' from Betchworth. We were due to go to the cafe at Four Elms, but Steve offered to take another group to the Llama Farm. I was intrigued, so I went with them :)
The cafe was quite nice, and the Llamas lived outback in a sort of Llama bedsit with pictures of their relatives on the wall.

We had a little bit of warm rain on the return journey, and some loud thunder! I was a little bit scared, but I'm learnig to man up a bit!

A nice steady 90km on the road bike.


juanita said...

What a cutie!

Raymond has promised to take me to see the whole family on Saturday - I'm soooo excited:D

hagblog said...

We're not having one!

Tia Beryl said...

Are they 'Vegan' Llamas?