Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Race Weight

Dan Empield, founder of Quintana Roo says this:

"The trick is to keep losing weight until your friends and family ask you if you've been sick: then you know you're within 10 pounds. if they start whispering to each other, wondering if you've got a serious illness, you're within 5. When they actually do an intervention, you're at race weight."

I think that's about right :-)


Anonymous said...

My friend Alex says if you are 10 pounds above your racing weight then you are probably socialising between 3 and 5 times a week, if you are 5 pounds above then you are probably going out 1 to three times a week and if you are at racing weight then that means you have no mates.:)

Anonymous said...

My friend Victoria says "if you are 10lb's over race weight then you are probably eating three to five times a week, if you're five pounds over then you're not using your fingers enough and if you're at race weight take MORE laxatives! :)